Eco-friendly cloud can reduce energy costs for manufacturers

THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN COPIED FROM AN INDUSTRIAL NEWS MAGAZINE and ENGINEERING UPDATE Eco-friendly cloud can reduce energy costs for manufacturers ECO-FRIENDLY CLOUD CAN REDUCE ENERGY COSTS FOR MANUFACTURERS Rising energy costs are impacting UK manufacturers’ competitiveness. The government’s recent…

Heatwave spells disaster for data servers

THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN COPIED FROM BBH MAGAZINE Cloud-based data services powered by liquid immersion cooling technology ‘vital’ to protecting health services in the heatwave, experts say The recent heatwave led to operations being cancelled by Guy’s and St…

Why heatwaves spell disaster for outdated data servers

THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN COPIED FROM DESIGN SOLUTIONS MAGAZINE Why heatwaves spell disaster for outdated data servers The temperature across the UK on 19 July broke records but it’s likely that another record was also broken – for the highest number of nationwide data…